Sunday, December 26, 2010

droid vs. iphone

when i got my android by htc, it was a conscious choice to stay with verizon. even though my whole family are at&t users due to the iphone, i COULD NOT and WOULD NOT transfer over to them when my last phone spazzed out. at&t has terrible customer service and seriously, the numerous dropped calls i've received from my fiancee has been enough of a deterrent. besides, the iphone will SUPPOSEDLY be released to verizon in 2011. i can always get the iphone then...if it ever happens.

but seriously, the iphone is far superior than my droid. the camera is better and the apps are incredible. the droid market must make leaps and bounds to catch up with all that. look at the sad picture i sent to my sister before she flung some back at me.

my droid picture with picsay app.

sister's pics with iphone and tuzkiSnap app.

hands down the iphone is far superior, in many and apps being a few of them. if the iphone comes to verizon, i will be alllllllllll over it.


Anonymous said...

i love my droid. i'm like you, i will not go to at&t for an iphone. i'm with t-mobile and have been with them for 2002. i've got excellent service and price plans.

bagnatic said...

dude, did at&t just buy t-mobile?