born in hanoi, vietnam to my vietnamese mother and my chinese father, my bare naked bottom was meant to be kissed by the sun, my skin browned to a pre-cancerous glow, and my natural freckles encouraged to bloom across my face like the california poppies in april...without sunblock. what i'm saying is that i'm meant to bask in the sunshine, but instead, i'm SHIVERING in CALIFORNIA WINTER. yes, i'm a whiny bitch and don't talk to me about ridiculous cold weather on the east coast and how 43 degree temperature here ain't nothing, cuz i know nothing of it. all i know is that i'm cold. brrrr....
to add insult to injury, the cold weather produces the sickest bunch of kids ever to teach. snotty noses, soar throats, sneezes, and fevers. inevitably, i get a whiff of the tornado of germs that rampages through my classroom and eventually, i too, am snotty nosed, sneezing, with a disagreeable soar throat. i have the immune system of an 80 year old, that's whut. i don't care how whiney i sound right now. i can't breathe and i cough like a smoker.
i WILL NOT be teaching tomorrow. nope. i'm calling in sick, way too taxed from not calling in when i should have like 2 days ago because i wanted to meet a testing deadline. i am going to lay in bed and think warm thoughts while my heater blasts on, converting my cold little bedroom into a tropical getaway where there's no germs, or work, and i can breathe like a normal human being without wheezing. over and out, the nyquil is about to kick in.....
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