staycation right now means cleaning up and organizing my crap in my wee house. waaaahhhh! 3 adults, 2 dogs, very little storage space, means a shot at being on an episode of hoarders. anyways, the first step was boxing everything. it's not so fun going out and buying plastic storage boxes....but THIS BOX i enjoyed purchasing. whoo hoo folks, here's my unique recipe box with my two favorite doggies in the world depicted on it :) the dog on the left is charlie and the one on the right is lucy. i looooooove the way the artist marked lucy's face. so unmistakable and sooooooooo freakin' cute.

this is them sleeping together. see the resemblance? i should probably try to take a pic of them sitting up, but they are too tired to pose. they've had a looooooong day rough housing, these darn dawgs.

the top of the recipe box is pretty darn cute too. the bird on the left is me and the bird on the right is my fiance. if you ever meet me in real life, i want to alert you now that i do have a blue belly and an ass that looks like a fan. as you can tell, the dogs are waiting for us to feed them just like they do in real life. woof!

the inside is divided with four tabs; main dishes, side dishes, dessert, and drinks. i didn't even mess with the appetizer tab cuz i don't make any, that's why. besides, isn't a glass of wine a great appetizer? hehe. so now that i have a recipe box, i will slowly organize my random recipes on cute little index cards and pack them in. i have a few of my own, but in no way do i have enough to fill this bad boy. any tried and true recipes that you would like to share? looking forward to building an awesome recipe collection and cooking authentic meals created by other peeps in my wee house.
what a great piece. where did you get it from?
it's from an etsy artist. cute stuff!
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