Saturday, July 4, 2009

when bags grow hair

i feel hot. do you feel hot? does this hot weather make you feel like throwing a few ice cubes down your pants?

if you feel hot, don't you think this hairy bag feels hot as well? do you think it sweats like we do? i was at hugo's in atwater waiting for my organic white washed burrito and saw this lady toting this hairy bag. at first, i thought it was a dog, but once i focused my eyes on it, i noticed it was a travesty with handles. ugh.
i like unique accessories. i really do. but this one is just plain fug to the 10th power. what in the world drew this lady to it? i don't think even god has an answer to that question.
i took my quick spy photo and left. poof. btw, the burrito was aight.


yutjangsah said...

that bag needs some grooming stat. yucks.

bagnatic said...

gross right? why so hairy is my question.

yutjangsah said...

it ain't asian, that's fer shure.

bagnatic said...

dood, i've seen some hairy asians. i am rather suprised when i see an asian sasquatch.