Tuesday, February 19, 2008

shopping list

hey girls, i'm back!!

vaykay finally started for reals now so i'm searching for really shallow things to occupy my time. very, very shallow things such as:

1) red shoes because my faves are quickly meeting their death since i wear them so much

2) a snooty wallet to put in my crispy ONE DOLLAR bill

3) a nice pair of well fitted jeans for my short stature but voluptuous ass

4) nice slip on, kinda dressy black work shoes so i can strut down the halls of c.w.

5) a vacuum cleaner (not shallow, but much needed)

6) shirts for all occassions, fun or work

7) fun socks to add to my fun sock collection

i haven't gone shopping at all since january and BOY am i excited to whittle down this list. if you have any recs where i might be able to find these things suitable for moi, please share!


one of five said...

(calamari) las vegas baby!

bagnatic said...

i wish! if i can avoid gambling, then the shopping trip would be worth it.