these are the christian louboutin cinderella shoes which he created to celebrate disney's release of cinderella on blue-ray disc this fall. even if you love it, lust after it, and are currently caressing the screen with your cheeks because you adore it, they are not for sale. BUT, 20 pairs will be given away as part of the promotion which means 20 freaking excited ladies or 20 pairs found immediately on ebay after receiving them. i tell ya, everyone is always out to make a quick buck.

of course its met with some criticism. people are disappointed that it's not "glass-like" which really means using materials like plastic/ pvc to give that glass effect if you even want the shoe to be wearable...not like these loubs are really wearable with those sky high stilettos...but i digress. but let me point out ANOTHER THING...the original cinderella story before its translated version described the shoes as furry!! i don't know how legit that rumor is either, but i remember reading about that once so i suggest that you google it if you really want to know whether cinderella was rocking beautiful glass slippers or a pair of UGGs that fateful night.
anyway, louboutin's material of preference here is lace and swarovski crystals which can be seen on the back heel as well as scattered throughout the sides. let's not forget that there's a prevalent butterfly theme going on here a la mariah carey. i'm gonna bet on the fact that she's going to try to secure herself a pair. i would...if i had loads of money and like to buy shoes that i don't wear of course.

the sparkle is crazy intense. methinks a perfect shoe for a bride that wants to feel like a princess on her wedding day.
but seriously, let's talk about prince charming. i think the idea of romance and fairy tale loves were spoon fed to us as early as infanthood. we were brainwashed! look at all the love tales produced by disney. did these cartoons set us up for romantic failure because what they portray and what is reality is not remotely connected at all?
love is actually 90% work. it is a roller coaster ride of highs and lows. we don't get to see cinderella and her prince charming arguing about "going out" with friends too much versus spending quality time together. we don't see snow white and her prince arguing about having opposite sex friends or hanging out with an ex. neither do we see beauty and the beast disagreeing about money problems, sexual frustration, wanting to get married, or wanting to date other people. we have been brain washed to believe in fairy tale romances so every single girl looks for prince charming when in reality, what she should really look for is mr. good guy, mr. right, mr. you fit me the best. one that can still sweep her off her feet, but is also capable of providing her with the commitment and love to enter into a relationship that at the end of the day, is STILL about 90% work.
the days of kissing toads to see if they're really princes are over. the only thing you'll get from kissing a toad is a wart.

before you start wondering about the source of my rant, let me just tell you that i've been engaged in some matchmaking and listening to people's lists and their ideas of perfection...lordy that doesn't exist. there's always an achilles' heel to every dude/dudette you meet and if you can sit there and tell me with a straight face that your significant other is PERFECT, then i'm totally not going to pull you out of your reality. good for you.
but for all us regular folks, we know that people are not perfect. love and relationships take compromise, it demands that we don't get stuck on the LITTLE things, it's about empathizing with and for your partner and knowing when to support, when to guide, when to advise, and when to forgive. it's about commitment and a genuine passion to grow the relationship into something strong, beautiful, wonderful, and lasting. but most importantly, pick the right person for yourself and go all in. a successful relationship = love, effort, attraction and lots of freaking luck.
love deep, laugh hard, be good to yourself. talk to you laterz.
but for all us regular folks, we know that people are not perfect. love and relationships take compromise, it demands that we don't get stuck on the LITTLE things, it's about empathizing with and for your partner and knowing when to support, when to guide, when to advise, and when to forgive. it's about commitment and a genuine passion to grow the relationship into something strong, beautiful, wonderful, and lasting. but most importantly, pick the right person for yourself and go all in. a successful relationship = love, effort, attraction and lots of freaking luck.
love deep, laugh hard, be good to yourself. talk to you laterz.
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