a friend once asked me if i remembered THE moment in which i knew that my fiance was "the one." do you? i responded with, "it wasn't ONE moment per se, but a series of moments that made it clear for me that he is the guy for me." how ironic then that one of those moments involved a chanel.
so to give you some background, if you've read some of my past blog entries, you might be aware that i've lusted after chanels since 2007. i even made a mention that "
i would want to buy a black one to be practical, BUT i would also want to buy a red one out of LOVE. *tisk, tisk*"
well, since christmas of LAST YEAR (talk about holding out! muhhahhahaha) i've had my red chanel...everybody, i'd like you to meet RUBY, my newest and LAST chanel (i promise!!!).

ruby, you're gorgeous!

at the time that it came out for the 2009 cruise collection, ruby's color was the first red to come out in a long time in caviar leather (any chanel experts out there can correct me if i'm wrong). this red came out with a lot of buzz and you had to make sure that you knew a s.a. somewhere so they could lay dibs for you. since i knew a few s.a.'s in different places, when it came out, one of them in vegas called me and my finace (boyfriend at the time) actually OFFERED to drive me to the chanel boutique there so i can see it for myself and pick it up. omg, i thought that was so nice of him! i think most men would have rolled their eyes and told me to shut up, especially after only 2 MONTHS of dating! what a keeper right?!
so he drove me there and i went through my uber picky process of picking the best ruby of the bunch and i did. i brought her home and have enjoyed her gorgeousness since then.

my ass shot cuz you know you like it.
so a year later, chanel came out with ANOTHER red in their 2010 collection which is a much truer red than my ruby which has a darker, burgundy undertone (i kinda think that was their way of increasing sales cuz the economy was tanking by then and red was always an elusive chanel color). the 2010 red is HOT and wasn't available at chanel boutiques. you had to procur one at neiman's or saks if you had a hook up there. but at that point i already had decided to STOP. i think you can ALWAYS try to find a bigger and better one to top what you have, but the whole point is to know when enough is enough. so what i'm saying is, i think ruby is the bestest and she will grow old with me like all my other bags. her red color is elegant and fits my wardrobe color to the tee and you'll probably fall in love with her just like how i fell in love with her when you see ruby.
folks, i'm finally DONE with chanel i think. come on now, look at what i've already amassed. besides, i have a newfound obsession for jewelry since getting my engagement ring...hahhaha. it never ends, does it? as always, to be continued......