Monday, April 6, 2009

how about a piece of bag?

vakay. has graced my presence once again. typically, i'm working like a fiend during my vaykay time, but once in a while, other folks want to work like a fiend as well so i'm out of a job during my 6 weeks break. not a bad thing i guess since the last time i had too much free time on my hands, i got into yelp, bought my wee house, and now am a puppy mommy. dang i'm productive! life works out that way too, i suppose when what i should really do is catch my breath and breathe deeply when i'm suppose to. even if that means turnig into a sloth with an increase in pants size.

let's celebrate bagnatic's vaykay with a purse cake! i saw this while i was at diamond bakery in monterey park. it actually doesn't look delicious at all...perhaps it would be more scrumptious with double c's on it as oppose to this convict tag. it also looks like a granny version of the louis vuitton speedy style. who wants to eat?!


yutjangsah said...

did you say 6 weeks vacation? 6 glorious weeks of vacation?

bagnatic said...

yes. 6 weeks. 6 loooooong and luscious weeks. booyah!