i know i've taken a long hiatus from this bagtastic blog (about 3 months and some change), but in light of all that has happened in this world and the utterly SUCK-ASS economy, i've had a constant convo within the inner space of my skull whether it's appropriate to blog about material needs and wants when i should be focused on more substantial things that don't involve leather, and handles, or diamonds. the world is suffering and the economy is tough. i know. i get it. so i refocused....instead of designer talks and leather wants:
- i focused on my wedding instead.
- i focused on my family and all the people connected to it.
- i focused on getting fat which now leads to unfocusing on this part stat so i can fit into my mutherfuckin' wedding dress (fml).
so in no particular order these were the topics that i spent my free time on....until just recently when i clicked on my beloved bagnatic blog just to check up on it and realized how utterly desolate it looked. :'( i saw cobwebs and a thick layer of dust had settled in peoples. after rereading some of my old posts, i had an EPIPHANY.
after almost four years of superficial rants and wants, the lack of current posts on bagnatic made me realize that i'm neglecting an extremely important part of my identity...my blogger one. it is NOT
just a superficial blog (but of course it obviously is to a certain degree), but it really was my escapist trick, one that allowed me to decompress from life's stresses while working on my engrish as well. it is also a living, breathing platform that documented various facets of my life that i felt comfortable enough to share, and one that does not involve shoving some tasty morsel in my mouth since i got that one covered
too :0 this IS how i REBOOT myself as i shouted to myself. you go on vacation to decompress...i blog about stuff that i like.
so yes, i am mutherfuckin' back bitches (that is said with love). i still see a trail of people wandering through my site on a daily basis and for that i am thankful for cuz no word in my mind is really written unless it is read. oh yeah that felt good. *sigh*

it feels good to be back.