Wednesday, June 30, 2010

meet lucy!

having charlie is enough. it really is. he is the best beagle doggie ever with the most velvety ears and the smoothest of smooth coats. let's just say, he gets molested by strangers all the time trying to rub his gorgeous little head...and i don't blame them. he does have the sweetest little face and super expressive eyes. if you saw him, i'm pretty sure you would be compelled to rub is furry head too.

here is my fur bag striking a pose in a sculpture piece at ucla.

but he seemed kind of lonely with us. i don't know, maybe i watch dog whisperer too much and got guilt-washed, but dogs belong in packs and it didn't seem right for him to only have two-legged pack members. besides, we don't always play with him cuz we're tired after a long day at work and it's pathetic when he rams his toys into our legs hoping to provoke some playtime. attention whore? neglected fur baby? sadness? yes. :(

then i found out a coworker's dog had 12 pups and when i told my fiance they were a labrador retriever mix, my fiance was sold. his two favorite types of dogs combined into one! holy smokes! it's like a chanel/tiffany/vca store for me but err...doggy style. i didn't want to say no to my fiance and ultimately, i think charlie would benefit from having a sibling so soon enough, we picked up our new family member and named her "lucy." (i nicknamed her "juicy" though cuz she squirts so much pee. it is ridiculous how much she whizzes....i know, she's a puppy, but goddamn!).

she also requires a lot of baths because she pees everywhere and likes to roll around in it for fun. not to mention that one morning when i found a piece of turd stuck to her side. ugh puppies!!!

but it turned out i couldn't have two dogs because the chinese character for dog, once doubled, means "cry" "wail" "moan" so basically, bad luck. even though my parents don't live with us, they sure can nag persistently from afar so in order to appease my dad, the uber superstitious one of the two, i got a third dog named "spike."

spike is a good dog and does not pee everywhere like lucy does. he even has balls! i like him a lot.

i'm not sure if my dad cares much for this trick, but he's not protesting as much anymore. besides, he can't argue the fact that charlie now has a four-legged friend, even though lucy dominates him and plays so rough! poor charlie!!!!

i'm pretty sure everything will smooth out between the both of them and i hope they grow up to be good, old friends. my day is pretty complete when i have my family and my four-legged buddies around me.

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