6 months ago, we stopped by a harry and david shop to kill time before heading over to a friend's wedding reception. i saw this cute apple container with a leaf spoon in it and wanted to get it then, but honestly, what would i even use it for? did i hear you say NOTHING? YUP. nothing. it's as useful as a hello kitty sammich press. besides, my kitchen is already cluttered. i really didn't need this apple. really. so i walked away patting myself on my back for executing some will power.
6 months later, i kept thinking about it. not obsessively like single white female, more like, oh, how cute and round and shiny that apple container was and i'm SURE i could have found something to put in it....so when we were out in vegas last week, i saw it again so i picked it up. no denying it this time. it is still pretty useless, but it's as round and as shiny as i had remembered. i put these fancy shmancy salt crystals in them and use the spoon to sprinkle the salt on salads, paella, etc....yup, that's a stretch alright, but i bought it anyways.
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