my little charlie is by no means a feminine dog. he is a stubborn, smelly, pees off a bike basket kind of dog. it is no wonder that his accessories reflect this "ruggedness." when he does his doo, we use plastic bags that his grandma and grandpops gives us (since my household uses mainly reusable bags when we also helps that i don't cook anything that calls for more than 5 ingredients. ouch.) this, my friends, is how his doo doo picker upper looks like. i tie two bags (sometimes he suprises me with a double dump, that darn fat belly of his) to his leash and it is not cute, but functional.

but you see, if charlie was a pretty dog. a fluffy dog named mocha, or daisy, or brissa, then the accessories HAVE to be cute...shouldn't it? omg, look at these pooper bag keepers! they are bags in a bag to bag up doo. damn they're so cute!
chanel inspired for the chic dog doo pickers.

polka dots for those of you who like to do the polka when you pick up doo.

and the animal print bag, for the cougars out there walking their cute little bichons.

i'm sticking with the plastic bags that his grandpops gives him though these little baggie holders are SO DARN CUTE!
okay that is ridonculous. i'm usually walking cooper in sweats and a holey sweatshirt. i ain't carrying no fancy purse oh no.
it is a cutie purse for doo bags. oh come on now....
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