true to my bagnatic name, during this past labor day weekend, i HAD to drop by bottega veneta at south coast plaza to take a looksie. i wanted to see if that dark bramble sloane that my s.a. had sent me pictures of was indeed that elusive scala color that i had once searched far and wide for. funny how memories work, but the color did not wow me when i first saw it again. in fact, i asked her to pull out other bags like the ebano "new ball bag" and an ebano veneta to model because i was over it....UNTIL...the s.a. suggested that we take the dark bramble outside of the store so we could stand under natural sunlight to admire this bottega beauty. oh how the colors shimmered!! oh how my feelings changed!! it's like different shades of dusty pink rose petals weaved into this gorgeous leather bag. the leather is buttery soft too as all bottegas are known for and i found that all my bag thoughts ended in this one word was a truly seductive bag indeed. did i buy it?! ?

no. not right there anyways....KIDDING.
with my tiffany pendant damaged wallet, i walked away. but i looked back every few steps i took like bobby brown or like a lover bidding adieu to her beau at the train station. when will we meet again dark bramble? when? anyways, i roamed about south coast plaza as usual because it is a great place to purse watch, purse stalk, and purse molest if you love leather baggy babies as much as i do. chanels are a dime a dozen there since all you see are rail thin asian chicks strutting about with their chanels...though i must say jumbolicious was the only jumbo hanging around that day and she was fun to tote.
i ran across an interesting art installation...heels made from canned goods. would you rather have this or a pair of christian louboutins?

i love the bobby brown allusion. but remember, it's your prerogative!
oh, those were the days!!
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