Saturday, October 25, 2008

chanel has nothing on this

i bought this. i loves it a lot. please click on the link and see what i've been doing with my free time.


one of five said...

Goodness. So many blogs. Consolidate! (Potsticker)

bagnatic said... there really that many? let's see:

my wee house
and the supder duper mundane one

that's not a lot at all!

how would you suggest for me to consolidate? bags and house has nothing to do with each other...other than the ability to hold a lot of shit. hmmm?

one of five said...

You forgot you had this blog to your list too..

The "I love big black men" blog.

Consolidate first by changing your blog tag line / subheader:

shallowly obsessing on a school teacher's budget in my wee house.


bagnatic said...

hahahahaha bitch! that was a good one. you know what they say:

"once you go black, you never go back."

potsticker, i am not your puppet!